
Gackle-Streeter School will see a small change to the calendar in 2023.


In an effort to provide more meaningful professional development and to set aside more productive time for teachers, GSPS will be trying a new plan for scheduling professional development time.  


Starting in September, school will start at 10:16 am every other Wednesday.  This will allow teachers time to collaborate on a consistent basis for a shorter period of time.  The intention behind this change will be to implement small changes to the pedagogy within the classroom that will result in more effective, more productive, and a more meaningful learning environment for our students.  


“We have been trying to have a less frequent professional development schedule”, says Supt. Mark Berg.  “The concern is too often professional development tends to be an event instead of a working plan for improvement.  By meeting more frequently the accountability for teachers and staff to implement the plan increases.”    


Families and students will have to plan for the change and be prepared for the later bus pick-up and start times.  The school will not be serving breakfast on the days of late starts. 


“We are going to try this plan for the first semester and see how it goes” says Berg.

If you have any questions, please call the school at 701 485-3692. 


PD Late Starts:

September 6th, 20th

October 4th, 18th

November 1st, 15th, 29th

December 13th

January 17th, 31st

February 14th, 28th

March 13th, 27th

April 10th, 24th