Great day to be inside and shoot some arrows! Orioles at Griggs Cty

Valentine fun. We played bingo and had some treats. What a fun day!

Candy grams delivery was a success! Happy Valentine's Day from the Junior Class!! 💕

Congratulations to our students who participated in the Logan County Spelling Bee. Shout out to Chase who will be advancing on to the State Spelling Bee on March 17th in Bismarck.

ROYAL FORCE WRESTLING practice will start in Gackle on February. 24th at 3:30pm. It is open to any PreK-6th grade students. A parent letter is being sent home TODAY with interested students.

PK Valentine's Party: We painted hearts, decorated heart cookies, played valentine bingo & handed out our valentine's. 💘💌 💝

There will be a PEP rally for the Girls Basketball team at 2 PM on Feb. 17th at the Napoleon High school. Come out and support the Lady Imperials!!

District 2 Girls Basketball Tournament

TODAY we had Kat Perkins in our school. Her FEARLESS presentation was very inspiring and sent a positive message to our students. Thanks to all who attended. Shout out to Mrs. Hatlewick and Mr. Soulis for making this happen.

Congratulations to Izabel on being qualified as an HONORABLE Mention on the NORTH DAKOTA ALL-STATE TEAM.

We are proud of this team of young men who represented Gackle- Streeter at the MATH COUNTS competition in Napoleon. Congratulations Chase on your 4th place finish.

Business Teaching Position- the Gackle-Streeter Public School District is accepting applications for a 7th-12th grade Business Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. A resume and cover letter can be sent to Supt. Mark Berg, Gackle-Streeter Public School, 300 2nd Ave E, Gackle, ND 58442 or email mark.berg@k12.nd.us. The Gackle-Streeter School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants are eligible for Veteran’s Preference. This position includes competitive salary and benefits. This position is open until filled.

Elementary Girls Volleyball start date has been moved back until March 3rd. More information will be released as it becomes available.

Reminder that FFA Week starts Saturday February 15. To kick off the week Gackle-Streeter FFA will be hosting a breakfast from 7:30 am to 9 am Friday February 14 at the school. It is being co sponsored by Logan County Farmers Union.

SnoWeek Dance 2025-- It was a fun night with some really amazing kids!! Thanks to our chaperones for taking time to make this night happen for our students. This wraps up our SnoWeek 2025.

February Coffee with Kids

SnoWeek 2025 Coronation
Congratulations to our SnoWeek Queen Miss Ali!

SnoWeek Day #5
Rat Race

BASED on being in a travel alert, scattered snow and snow drifts on the road between here and Bismarck-- THOSE STUDENTS WHO WERE PLANNING TO LEAVE AT 5:30 a.m. GSPS WE WILL NOT BE GOING.

Coffee with Kids is this morning from 9:00-9:30
2025 SnoWeek Coronation is at 3:00
Feel free to join us!!!